Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

Get better Your Sales by Auto Responder Improvement

Get better your advertising and sales by a few auto responder Improvements. Attempt some of these:

1. Publish free reports to send via your auto responder. The reports should be related to your business or web site & contain info, ads and links to your sites. People love getting freebies.

2. Collect vital customer satisfaction information by publishing a survey to send via auto responder to those who sign up on your site in exchange for a free eBook, software or trial period at your membership site. This type of information will help you understand their needs, likes & dislikes better.

3. Instead of answering each customer question that is e-mailed to you, publish "Frequently Ask Questions" and make them available via auto responder to those who sign up. To save time and support headaches.

4. Instead of publishing all of your customer testimonials or endorsements on your website, publish only a few there. And set up an auto responder form that invites visitors to receive a complete list via your. Give them a power-packed list; it's more effective to include all of them.

Combine and competition. Alter your auto responder tactic to modify your auto responder outcome!

1 komentar:

4lm4 mengatakan...

Cara kerja di yaitu cuma masang iklan di beberapa situs yang dah ditetapkan. data yang dimaksud adalah adalah data pribadi kamu yang kamu isi saat daftar jadi itu juga yang harus kamu input saat masang iklan...

klo mw gabung..lewat link aq aja..ada cash back

40 ribu untuk 2 aktivasi I (sudah penuh)
30 ribu untuk 5 aktivasi berikutnya (tgl 2 orang)
20 ribu untuk 5 aktivasi berikutya (masih ada)
15 ribu untuk 5 aktivasi berikutnya (masih ada)

kesempatan cash back hanya untuk 17 orang (sekarang tinggal 12 orang)

mw gabung lwat link ku aja....
klik link ini